
Friends of the Family

My first new collection in quite awhile. Life took me in other directions but now I have refocused on jewelry.


Bronze Age

Front and back views of pieces from my Bronze age series.
They are, from left to right,  the inside end of a buffalo bone from a buffalo jump in Montana, a ruby crystal from Tanzania, and a chip out of a server farm in Chicago.  These hang low. There will be more castings to follow as well as some hammered shapes that ride higher.


                            The building at the bottom of the photo is my studio where everything is made



So Far

Large Crescent, Osage Orange

                                 Rocks we've collected so far this trip...malachite, marble, quartz...


Rockhounds in the Big MT

Beartrap Canyon, Madison River

"Too big to take home"

 Looking for malachite and chrysocolla in the 
Castle District near White Sulfur Springs.
Lead, silver, copper, manganese, iron and gold, all right here.
Trees begin to grow back about 100 years later.

A juicy vein

Good enough to cut 

 Marble left, and limestone, right. Bedding plane fractures and fissure veins.

Amongst the folded precambrian schists, granites, and granite gneisses, some of the oldest rocks on our planet at 3,960,000,000 years (zircon dating.) If you believe in the Expanding Earth Theory, then the earth was much smaller when these solidified.

Quartz came in later on

Gneiss, schist in rough, steep country

Another "too big to take home"

Basement rock chopped, folded and intruded upon