L: Widgiemooltha, Australian Gaspeite on White Glass and Myrtle R: South African Sugilite on White Glass and Myrtle
1. Australian Chrysoprase on Myrtle 2. Tanzanian Lavender Quartz on Myrtle 3. Tanzanian Amazonite on Sycamore 4. Tanzanian Quartzite and White Opal on Walnut 5. Hindu Kush Lapis on Walnut
L to R: Sunlight Creek Chacedony, Montana Moss Agate, Montana Moss Agate. All On Silver mounts.

L to R: Madagascarian Demantoid Garnet on Silver, Idaho Elk Ivory on Silver, Brazilian Kyanite on Silver , Vietnamese Ruby on Silver, Sikote Alin Metorite, Eastern Siberia, 1947 on Silver
New pieces July 19 at Robin Richman. Please join us 4-7